Content: Arthur/TMWTPF, Dialogue only
- Sometimes I feel like I'm unopened.
- You mean like a can? Like a door?
- A can, yeah, or a bottle. You'd need something that's only job is to open it. A can opener's only job is to open cans, and a bottle opener opens bottles.
- You can smash open bottles. You could probably smash open a can if you threw it hard enough.
- But that ruins what's inside. If you smash a bottle then whatever's in it'll be full of glass.
- Isn't it better to have glass in you than to wait around for something special to open you up? You could die waiting for a bottle opener but anyone could smash you on a table.
- Finding someone who likes drinking glass is way harder than finding a bottle opener.
- You don't gotta find someone who likes drinking glass. You just gotta find someone who likes smashing bottles.
- Well I guess I'd rather be unopened than undrinkable.